Williamson Brothers founded 1853.
Creating an ideal foundry location.
Williamson Brothers acquire the rights to Professor Thomson's Patent Vortex turbine. The first Vortex turbine is installed at James Cropper's paper mill, at Cowan Head near Kendal.
Some are used in building the Suez Canal.
Cragside, Northumberland. Now a National Trust Property. Lord Armstrong ordered a Williamson Brothers Vortex Turbine.
Gilbert Gilkes & Co is formed.
The entry in Gilkes original ledger for Queen Victoria's order for Balmoral highlighted in red.
A patent for the Turgo Turbine was granted in the same year.
A patent for the pump was granted in the same year.
Allowing turbines to be tested at the factory for the first time.
Gardner were the first diesel engine builders to use Gilkes self priming cooling pumps for marine applications.
A major investment including purchase of the disused canal basin enabled the building of the new factory.
In 1952 Gilkes stretched their manufacturing technology to build two 18.5MW Pelton Turbines for English Electric to be exported to Australia.
The "M" (metric) Series marine cooling pump was introduced in 1972 and adopted by Caterpillar thereafter.
Gilkes begin supporting the refinery industry in Texas, from a small space in the unair-conditioned building!
The first twin jet Turgo turbine was designed and delivered to Peru in 1983. The 20” machine was built and delivered to Compania Minera Atacocha with a power output of 1260kW.
The first 4-jet Pelton turbine was manufactured for the Hatchet Creek project in the USA, with a power output of 7.3MW.
Three 10.2MW Francis turbines are installed at Kinlochleven, the former aluminium smelter site where Gilkes had previously supplied a 1.2MW Turgo turbine [1968 ].
Within a few miles of the 1978 premises.
Gilkes Energy Subsidiary founded to develop, design, build & operate hydroelectric schemes.
21MW Expansion of Blue Lake Hydropower Plant at City Of Sitka, Alaska.
Expansion & Refurbishment of Offices, Factory & Test Facility at the Canal Head Site.
Gilkes successfully achieve Class A performance in Planning & Control and continues to establish itself as a leader in its field.
Gilkes Original Design Turgo Turbine makes its Centenary Year! 100 years later and the Turgo maintains its place as one of the most popular hydropower turbine designs, testament to the longevity of the original design and technology.